«Клянусь Тем, Кто имеет полную власть надо мной! Поистине, запах изо рта постящегося лучше пред Всевышним, чем запах миска. (св. х. аль-Бухари, Муслима и др.).
«Кто постился весь месяц Рамадан, а затем [по окончании дня праздника] держал пост шесть дней в месяц Шавваль, тому Всевышний определил вознаграждение, равное зачисляемому Им за пост в течение века» (хадис от Абу Айюба; св. х. Муслима и ат-Тирмизи)
Описание раздела: Каталог сайтов (а также перечень крупных разделов сайта, посвящённых посту ) о Рамадане на английском языке с редакторским описанием и скриншотами
Provides Islamic information, women in Islam articles, and resources for Muslims and those seekers of the way of life that is called Islam, peace and submission to God
O you who believe, fasting is decreed for you, as it was decreed for those before you, that you may attain salvation. [2:183] This site is dedicated to holy month of Ramadan in America
With this new Ramadan website filled with advice, tips and techniques to tackle unproductivity this Ramadan, you might not know where to start when visiting our site for the first time, so here are a few pointers to get you started
‘MuslimVille Ramadan Competition’ was first organized for children of the Greater Toronto Area in the year 2002. Since then we have been organizing this competition every year and the program has drawn the attention of young boys and girls, and has received appreciation from Muslim parents, teachers and educationists. In 2008 about 700 children from different cities and towns from all over Canada & USA participated in this program.